пятница, 6 июля 2012 г.

The medieval epic Riccardo Tishi Collection Givenchy Haute Couture.
Средневековый эпос Риккардо Тиши: коллекция Givenchy Haute Couture

One of the collections presented at the eve of Fashion Week in Paris, was the line of Givenchy Haute Couture. A team led by designer Riccardo Tishi developed a collection of ten dresses, harmoniously combining the traditions of elegance and femininity, and innovative materials and techniques of performance. In addition, a new haute couture collections feature two intertwined themes: the designer turned to the dramatic medieval imagery, sung by Hubert de Givenchy in 1960, having entered the House in the familiar African motifs.
   The designer has demonstrated long cloaks, robes, capes, jackets, dresses, cardigans and suits made ​​of leather, cashmere, velor, jersey and sheared mink trimmed with beads and fringe. Virtuoso ornamental cut dresses and sculptural decoration - strong point talent Riccardo silence, once again proved that in this he has no equal.

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